What is ADHD?
Understanding what ADHD is and how it affects behavior is the first step to understanding how medical cannabis can help patients. The disorder is primarily characterized by hyperactivity and impulsivity; however, there are other symptoms that those with ADHD might also experience. That includes:
- Fidgeting and restlessness
- Sleep disturbances
- Feeling scatterbrained and forgetful
- Carelessness
- Excessive talking
- Low sense of danger
In addition to the symptoms above, some mental health professionals believe that poor social skills, excessive outbursts, and low self-esteem may also be associated with ADHD.
Although studies and statistics on the topic vary, it seems that as many as 13% of Canadians have been diagnosed with ADHD. The disorder is as much as four times more common in males than in females.
How is ADHD treated?
Those who suffer from these negative side effects, as well as those who prefer a natural remedy, can consider the benefit of using medical cannabis to treat ADHD symptoms. When taken according to a medical practitioner’s direction, medical cannabis is a safe and effective treatment that may calm the symptoms of ADHD significantly. That said, the efficacy of medical cannabis is still being studied across Canada.
How does medical cannabis help ADHD?
Medical studies have shown that ADHD is caused by a lack of dopamine production in the brain’s prefrontal cortex region. Dopamine is a hormone that regulates nerve signals that affect attention and memory. It’s also responsible for feelings of happiness and calm.
Cannabis naturally produces a chemical called cannabidiol (CBD), which may promote the production of dopamine and improve alertness, focus, and attention. Furthermore, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), including Delta-9 THC, another property of the cannabis plant, is known to release dopamine and feelings of pleasure, which can ease or even eliminate ADHD symptoms according to a 2017 study. While the increase in dopamine is short term, consistent use of THC under professional medical supervision can provide long-term benefits.
Is it safe to use medical cannabis for ADHD?
Many ADHD patients have expressed safety concerns when it comes to using medical cannabis to alleviate their symptoms. At Revolution Medical Cannabis, our team takes extra care to ensure every patient we treat is a good candidate for medical cannabis prior to offering a prescription. We provide guidance throughout treatment to ensure patients can achieve long-term success and relief of ADHD symptoms.
Receive personalized ADHD support
Every patient is different and thus, every treatment plan is different. At Revolution Medical Cannabis, our team of physicians and support staff work with patients directly to develop a medical cannabis treatment plan that includes the right strain and dosage to effectively manage symptoms.
We’re committed to educating every patient before commencing treatment. We provide every patient with information about the benefits and risks of using medical cannabis for ADHD, as well as the ideal dosing and delivery method. Patients are always invited to provide input when determining what works best for their symptoms.
Once a prescription is provided, patients are connected with a Licensed Producer (LP) in their area to find a cannabis provider that suits their needs and their budget. We work with patients to guide them through the process of registering and submitting medical documentation.
Schedule an appointment
If you’re ready to explore medical cannabis as an ADHD treatment option, contact us today to schedule a free medical cannabis consultation with one of our physicians.